Find the Best Maintenance Management Software For Your Business
CMMS lets you automate maintenance tasks, track inventory and compile work orders. Discover how to choose a CMMS and learn about top CMMS options.
Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are a specialized type of software designed for businesses with the purpose of streamlining processes. You can use CMMS to centralize maintenance information for your business, as well as automate select operations. CMMS are used in a number of industries, including manufacturing, power generation, transportation, construction and oil or gas production.
From the database, you can perform a number of administrative tasks at your discretion. Your database contains detailed information of your crew and equipment. This not only allows you to track the progress of your employees, but you can send reports back and forth. The database also stores word order numbers, cause and remedy codes and what resources were assigned to a task. You can create automated tasks, generating assignments for your employees, tracking costs for a job and ordering replacement supplies. There are many different types of CMMS available, some of which are designed for specific industries while others are designed for a broader spectrum of businesses.
Benefits of CMMS
The exact benefits may vary depending on the program, but all CMMS share a few commonalities. Organization is a large part of using a CMMS. Through the central database, you can search for work orders, invoices and when equipment was purchased. This makes accounting significantly easier, but it also allows you to track efficiency of your teams and equipment which a valuable asset to any business owner.

The database updates in real time, allowing you to track the progress of your technicians while they are on the job. This allows you to relocate resources as needed to help with more complex jobs. It also frees up your employees to focus on work without having to take breaks to update their managers. Which can have a positive effect of work flow.
You can also free time by automating many generic tasks. This includes replenishing your inventory, assigning shifts, or gathering information for audits. Today, many CMMS also have a mobile app, so you can access the database even when you are in the field, sharing information and entering work orders without having to enter the office and thus saving time and resources.
CMMS also perform preventive maintenance on systems. The database monitors your maintenance operations, tracking sensors and meters and automatically issuing orders if the levels change. Which allows for owners to focus on more pressing matters. In more serious events, the database can send alerts to your personnel, allowing you to respond to emergency situations before they grow out of hand.
Choosing CMMS
There are many different CMMS to choose from. If you are struggling to pick a program, there are several considerations to narrow your choices. The first is user interface. CMMS are only useful if your employees can easily access all the functions. Many CMMS provide a free trial, allowing you and your team to get a feel for the program, including general complexity so you can figure out if it is going to be a help or hinderance. It also helps to identify what areas you want to focus on. Some programs are better at automating tasks, while others specialize in inventory tracking or generating detailed reports.
Cost is another consideration. When looking at the price of CMMS, there are a few factors to consider. If the program uses a subscription service, check to see how many users can access the database. Many programs require you to buy an advanced plan to add more users. You also want to consider any infrastructure costs to maintain the program.
UpKeep is a cloud-based program compatible with mobile platforms. One of the most useful features of UpKeep is the ability to directly upload images into work orders. You can also create scannable QR codes to make updating your inventory even easier. The program offers the ability to create multiple maintenance checklists, which can be configured for automatic inventory management. The analytics dashboard allows you to track maintenance orders and costs, as well as schedule tasks for your employees. Many large companies, including Pepsi, Subway and Marriott all use UpKeep.
There are four different tiers of pricing, with the opportunity to schedule a seven-day trial before committing to a purchase. The basic plan is free for newer businesses with four or less members, while the starter package begins at $45 a month.
MicroMain is praised for having a streamlined, easy to use interface. It places a greater emphasis on improving efficiency compared to other CMMS. The program is highly customizable, allowing each user to create their own profile. Users can easily share information with one another, including work orders, maintenance schedules and asset management. The program tracks how long it takes to complete tasks, learning as more information is submitted which allows the software to become more effecient. It can predict a general timetable and estimate expenses for future tasks.
MicroMain is also one of the least expensive programs on the market currently. Instead of using a subscription service, you purchase a license. A technician license is only $39, while an administrator license costs $89. You can download a free trial or request a demo from MicroMain.
Fiix is a popular choice for small businesses. While the program has an involved UI, the company provides multiple training videos and webinars to learn how to use the software. Fiix also has favorable reviews for their customer service. Many of the key features, such as resource scheduling, work orders and generating supply codes are available for free. The free version supports up to three users. To add more users, you must upgrade to a basic plan, which costs $40 per user. There are custom packages available for larger businesses, but you must contact Fiix directly to get a quote for these services.